Wally may sound a familiar name to you possibly the a Scott Adams creation made famous on his epic comic strips or Dave Franco’s bricklayer Wally in the Lego movies or even more recently the Wall E, however, none of these well known Wally’s are able to manage your finances as well as this little app.
Here the latest in a line of memorable Wally’s and it’s a free app for everyone, especially useful for small business owners where keeping track of spending and receipts is a critical part of their business management process. Let me introduce you to your very own pocket sized personal finance manager, Wally.
Founded by Saeid Hajazi, this brilliant little app is a financial organiser with a superb clean interface making it easy to go through your day – simply tap tap in your expenses, personalising your own lists (or editing the existing lists to suit your business segments), go between global currencies from country to country, create spreadsheets and export to the cloud and much much more and all with minimal effort. He even let’s you scan in your daily receipts, ensuring that all your daily expenditures are captured, recorded and reported as accurately as possible!
‘Because of this app, I was able to save some money despite my tight budget. Once you develop the habit of inputting your daily expenses, you will be confident about your financial status.’
Wally’s user interface is simple, clean and user friendly – with a daily review screen showing full expenditure breakdowns in one single view, giving you the opportunity to take a quick glance across all your expenditure patterns with allocated percentages set against them. Wally is a clever app that’s bound to become your most powerful pocket pal and if you dare to punch in your salary Wally will report on your savings (oh yes) and can also let you know how much you overspent. Wally has launched on iOS and is available to download free at http://wallyapp.me/ or meet Wally and followers on Facebook. Android release due 2014.
Images source: www.wally.me