Testimonials – the key to boosting sales

Testimonials play an important part in advertising – especially for small businesses. Think about it…how else can we gain credibility than by creating a group of satisfied customers and shouting what they have to say? Let’s look at some ways we can make testimonials an effective part of our marketing campaigns. Collect Them It would […]

7 highly effective marketing tips to help small business

Here are 7 low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help any small business find customers and generate sales quickly. 1. Don’t Advertise Like a Big Business Big businesses advertise to create name recognition and future sales. A small business can’t afford to do that. Instead, design your advertising to produce sales …now. One way […]

The right question. And the wrong question.

A ‘sales and marketing system’ is best imagined as a funnel. The funnel is used to visualise the step changes. In any step of this process, prospects drop out of it, and from the large number of initially interested persons on the top end, only a fraction of the initially interested people remain and actually […]

Back to basics on getting a new customer

Many companies appear to assume their sales process is like buying an ice-cream. The steps in buying an ice-cream are real simple. It’s hot. There’s a shop. Open fridge. Agonise over choice of Choc-Ice or Magnum. Moan about cost of said ice-cream at till. Consume. There is another one – more my style, in fact: […]

What makes a strategy good or bad?

Download this simple, easy to follow Marketing Strategy Framework which you can print out and refer back to again and again.