Friction is the one thing between you and more sales
For many brands, marketing is not really about AIDA (awareness, interest, desire & action). For many brands, its about FAF: friction, typically followed by anger, and collapsing in frustration. Apparently there has been a shift of power from the brand to the customer. We once could dictate how the customer engaged with us, but now […]
Great benefits of Remarketing
Remarketing is the latest, highly effective online advertising solution which is reaping significant results. It keeps track of your visitors on your site by placing a small piece of code on your site and then cookies follow you around the internet and keep showing you the products or services your were browsing earlier. The ads […]
Marketing Your Business The Right Way
To market your business the right way you need a good marketing strategy. There are dozens of ways to market your business the question is which ways are the most effective for your product or service? You can outline your marketing strategy with this popular saying, “Who, what, where, when, and how?” Who is your […]
7 highly effective marketing tips to help small business
Here are 7 low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help any small business find customers and generate sales quickly. 1. Don’t Advertise Like a Big Business Big businesses advertise to create name recognition and future sales. A small business can’t afford to do that. Instead, design your advertising to produce sales …now. One way […]
Single Shot Advertising – a great way to throw money down the drain!
Single Shot Advertising One shot ads, rarely get results. Most customers don’t jump on the band wagon the first time it passes by. It’s like asking to get married on the first date: it could happen, but highly unlikely.