SMS Marketing can Benefit Your Business

With the growing number of emerging online marketing channels and the development of smart phone technology, it’s only natural that some of the more tried and tested online channels are being left in the dark by the colourful new kids on the block.

There was a time, quite a number of years ago, that text campaigns were frequently on the marketing plan as they were the fastest, super economical channel, giving immediate response rates. Text campaigns were also a really good way to start to build databases and develop ongoing, low cost promotions with customers.

Fast forward to today and the majority of companies sending out text seem to be the local gyms, hairdressers and telecom companies. Not only is this a great pity for this quiet, faceless channel but you may also be losing out on some valuable customer segments when you realise that smart phone penetration is 61% whilst the actual mobile penetration figures show 118%. Text should not be written off quite so quickly after all it could be rocket in your pocket when it comes to reaching a much bigger audience (students, silver surfers, lower income segments) who can all receive texts.

Why not go back in time and revisit the benefits of SMS – here’s a few which may just hook you back in:

• Every device on the market is SMS enabled
• It’s fast – results received as soon as sent and can be optimised quickly
• It’s easy to prepare and test
• It’s going to reach more people
• People are familiar with the channel and like texts (assuming you are offering value)
• It’s an easy way to build a database
• It’s highly cost effective
SMS MessageSome simple and successful examples of SMS campaigns to drive instore traffic listed on Mobile Marketer e.g. Hooters – Restaurant chain Hooters of America has used SMS quite a bit over the past few years to boost their databases. They built in some great incentives for their customers, created excellent word of mouth or strategic direction from Jeff Klein – Mobile Marketing.


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