Launched at the beginning of this year, Vine is a video-sharing app. But it’s not just any video-sharing app. It’s designed in a way for you to film short, separate sequences so they can be linked together for a total of six seconds. Each short video plays in a continuous loop, and are viewable directly in Twitter’s timeline or embedded into a web page. The app has set some very high standards in the market place as it has already, within six months of release (iOS version), attracted over 13 million users

5 Vines tweeted every second (Source: Dashburst 2013)
Zack King is the undisputed king of the Vines – a young 23 year old Californian who has mastered the art of short time video and has been awarded by the industry with many Shortys in his time. Many of his Vine productions received hundreds of thousands of view and have gone viral through clever production techniques.
Mashable are a good resource for all things these days, here’s their video for creating your best Vines. From researching the various ways to develop a Vine the one key ingredient is to have patience when creating your masterpiece, it may only be 6 seconds long but it does take time to create something that is unique and interesting.
If you need more there’s plenty on Buzzfeed lists some of the best of 2013 for endless replay
Shorty awards